Wednesday, 15 June 2011

2nd May-9th May

Our first day back at university after easter was on the 2nd of may, my birthday. Our first class was softball. The aim of the class was to demonstrate the technique of batting. The tutor stressed that it wasn't simply down to hitting the ball as hard as you could. The best way was to have knuckles connecting on the bat, knees bent with the bar being held straight. When hitting, it is also very important to follow through with the bat. I'm not sure if I was having birthday luck, but I seemed to catch on quite quick and really enjoyed battering the ball around the gym hall. Our other class that day was uni-hock and was the final of our theory classes. We discussed how uni-hock varies for different age groups. The tutor advised us of the best suited teaching points for each age group. We also briefly discussed the importance of getting parents involved. Later that week we had a practical uni-hock class which was based on teaching how to make the best use of the space around you. One of the games we practiced involved a group of four, three passing and one retrieving the ball. The aim was obviously to keep the ball from the defender. the tutor emphasised that this is made much easier if the full area is used.Furthermore, we also had a practical volleyball session, in which we learnt how to teach the serve. The main points to focus on were the body posture, keeping the wrists straight and also letting the ball go instead of throwing it in the air, so that connection with the ball is better. Our final class of the week (due to cancellations) was badminton. Mr, Ronald Zammit explained our practical test and let us practice the different skills we would be assessed on. I felt fairly confident in every skill with the exception of the clear. Eventually, Mr Zammit took me aside and broke down the movements for me. He told me that it is important to move the body quickly to ensure that when I am clearng, the shuttlecock is infront of me and not behind. Then, when hitting, ensure that both the right arm and leg come from behind and follow through, so that the shuttlecock will travel as far as possible, making it difficult for my opponent. Mr Zammit's instructins certainly made the skill alot easier to perform.

Outside of class, I was celebrating my birthday with Mary, whose birthday was the day before mine. On the monday, around fifteen of us went to a restaurant called 'Heat', mainly because it's half price. We then went to our local karaoke bar that night, where everyone was very generous in buying me drinks all night. It really was a great night with all my friends around me. If I thought monday night was fun, thursday was out of this world. This was the day that Mary and I had set out to really celebrate. Laura, Becca and Matt had bought Maltese flags for us and got everyone to sign them, wishing us happy birthday in their own way. All the gesture's made me laugh, particuarly Jean's which was just a typical statement from her! We also had a mini-party in room 107. Both Denise and Synne made cakes for us and I recieved other gifts from a few of the other residents. After that we all headed into Paceville. Overall, I'm really glad I had my birthday in Malta, it was great to celebrate with all the different culture's in residence and it really showed how close I was with everyone here. I don't think i've had a better birthday to be honest!

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