Monday, 18 July 2011

21st June - 30th June

So this was my last week in Malta, and although it was very emotional, it was also absolutely brilliant!!
At the beginning of the week, we had the best party I have ever been to, as Patrick hired a masssive boat for all of us for the day, which stopped at Comino for us to go swimming next to the caves. We als had Marco doing DJ on the boat, reguarly playing the official ERASMUS Malta song, created by Allison. After diving off the top level of the boat, swimming and snorkelling, it was back off home to relax for the night.

 Soon  after, it was time for Matthew to return home. This wasn't such an emotional goodbye as I know I will see him back in Belfast. However, having the room so tidy and empty is a rare sight that I dont particuarly enjoy to be honest, I supposed I've got used to sharing a room. As Matthew left, Becca's sister arrived and we had some final activities to get on with before returning home.
On one day, we went walking round 'the three cities'. This proved tio be a terrible idea as it was roasting, and we were all absoloutely wrecked by the time we eventually found a bus stop, where we must have waited at least an hour!! Typical of the Maltese buses, that's something I will not miss!!
Furthermore, we also went to St Peter's pool for the first time, where we sunbathed and dived off the cliffs. Rhyss even attempted a superman dive through a rubber ring in the water. Although he missed, it was quite the attempt!
Finally, we also went off to the blue lagoon, where we got a boat trip around all the different caves. This is one of my favourite places in Malta, with an awesome view and the clearest water!!

So as my last week came to an end in Malta, I looked forward to a flight to Dublin with Becca, Sarah and Ellie, followed by a bus journey to Dublin. Saying goodbye to everyone was extremely weird, and it did not feel right leaving the place and people that I had become so used to, it will definitly take some time settling in back home, after such an amzing time in Malta. I can honestly say that I have never regretted my decision to go to Malta. I had an amazing time and met some of the best people, I would not turn t,down the opportunity to do something like this again and I would like to thank everyone who made it possible.

14th June - 21st June

This week was filled with highs and lows as I finished my exams but had to say goodbye to some friends!

To begin with, we went through the same process of revision for our second exam as we printed off loads of pages and began studying the rules and teaching que's of both badminton and tennis. Badminton rules were thanfully rather short and the notes were kindly provided by our lecturer. The tennis notes were very long, however had been made alot easier by the fact that we had been playing alot of tennis reguarly. The exam was in the same format as the first one and again I feel like it went well and was simple enough compared to the exams back home. However, one thing I am worried about is the marking, as we have never had anything marked in Malta, therefore we have no idea of the standard or what is expected!!
After the exam, our whole class went to have BBQ at a private beach that our Maltese friends knew about, we never eben knew it existed!! It was really good spending the night with our Maltese class mates, as they have been so good and made us so welcome on our stay in Malta.                        The way they have treated us makes me feel guilty and not doing more for those who have come to Belfast! Saying goodbye was not enjoyable, as we knew we would more than likely not be seeing them again, so we made sure we thanked them for everything

The goodbyes didn't get any easier as three of my good friends, Jordan Adams, Allison and Jordan Savage departed for America. As jordan Adams was leaving, one of the ither guys Lance asked him to play us one last song on his guitar. Of course he only picked a song that was completely depressing, adding to the sadness as he left. It was hard saying goodbye to these friends as they live so far away, and it has showed me the only downside that I have experienced of ERASMUS. My last week and a bit won't get any easier as I wave goodbye to more friends, and the Malta!
 1st June - 14th June

After completing all of my practical assessments and having a few days resting in the sun, it was time to start studying for our first of two exams, which would be on the rules and teaching que's for both softball and hockey. So, I ventured off to the computer/study room and printed off what seemed like a hundred pages on the rules of both sports!! At the beginning, I didn't know how I was going to learn all the different terms and definitions, especially for softball, as I had never played before coming in Malta. However, one of the American guys, Jordan Savage, knew the game inside out and managed to help me with the rules and terms, he even gave me some practical demonstrations!! The teaching que's were quite simple as we had already learnt them for the practical assessment. For hockey, I found it simple enough as I had played the game reguarly in hich school. Plus with Becca's help, it was an absolute gift, as she has played hockey for quite some time. So we formed a study group and were all set for the exam.
On exam day, I felt pretty nervous as I had no idea what to expect. We have a really small class, so we all gathered outside the hall beforehand, to cram in some last minute revision. When we got in, the room was empty compared to the exam halls in stranmillis, as there are always different students from other courses doing exmas at the same time! The exam itself went well, and seemed simple enough. One thing that was particuarly noticable was the fact that it was not in an essay format. This seemed weird as no matter what the subject I have done before, exams are always done in essays. Instead, there was short questions with simple answers, then longer answers were required for the teaching que's. There were even questions that had multiple choice answers to make it easier!!! The exam room was also far more laid back than back at stranmillis. At one stage, Chris walked over to his bag (which was in the room!!) without his shoes on to get a calculator. If i done this at stran, I would probably be accused of cheating!

Aside from the revision and our first exam, the residence has been very mellow as everybody is in study mode, and some of my friends are alot less fortunate than me, some having up to 8 exams!
So, Matthew, Becca and I have started playing tennis, as we are lucky enough to have a court. Becca (having already played reguarly) is putting us to shame, but I think I might take her before going home!!